Friday, August 22, 2014

The "Dressing Up" Experiment

It's a fairly well known fact that getting a new 'do can make you feel like a million bucks. Fresh hair easily corrolates to fresh attitude. Last night, I did not put myself down at all while having an intimate discuss with The Husband. I even went as far as pointing it out. It went like this--paraphrased to keep the identity of the innocent secret and because I can:

MPA: Beautiful Amazon friend's butt would be much better to bongo on than mine.
TH: ZOMG, you have a good butt. Blah, blah, blah (*please read that the way Ke$ha sings it).
MPA: Silencio. I didn't say anything negative about my tush. I am merely pointing out that the shape of hers--
MPA: I am not saying anything bad about my butt. I am just pointing out that the shape of hers is better for bongoing and would be, in terms of tone, much better than mine. I am in no way saying mine is bad.

It happened. I didn't put myself down. I could have. It would have been so easy to slip a quick dig in, but I didn't. It was weird. And surprising. But strangely nice.

So, I decided to take that and run with it. Knowing I am capable of not being terrible to myself coupled with the notion that altering something about yourself can equal a new 'tude, I decided to create an experiment. If I dress up, will it impact the way I view myself/help me further this being nice to myself thing I have going on?
Step back, y'all! I am doing (social)science.
Here is the formula:
(SpH*2) + (GgS/Mu*SkCardie)/HSg= New MPA
For those of you not up on my COMPLETELY made up fashion math:
SpH=Spikey Heel
GgS= Gold glitter Skirt
Mu= Make-up
SkCardie= Skull Cardigan
HSg= Hot Sunglasses
I've discussed make-up before. Black eye liner, gold and neon eyeshadow, and oxblood lipstick go a LONG way in my book.
The shoes are TEH SEX.

The outfit is cute. and easy. I told The Husband I felt like a fat hooker and that I was totally ok with it.

Here are the results:

I feel like people are looking at me differently. Like they feel like I am a put together person.

I feel like I look good. I even complimented my legs with hte heels on.

I have not turned any compliment into a negative.

I don't feel better about myself/more confident/anything like that.

I clean up well, but looking #swankyasfuck does not make me feel better about myself.

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