Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pinterest Diaries: Beer and Brown Sugar Pulled Chicken

Sorry for the delay! Yesterday took more out of me than expected, but I got some quality time in with family. I got to deflect emotions with humor. I also got to bring some pulled chicken to my fabulous neighbors AND got baby snuggles for a hot minute. So, ya know, I recouped.

On to the food porn!

The software:
  • 1/4 c. tomato paste
  • 3 tbs soy sauce
  • 3 tbs balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbs Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/3 c. brown sugar, packed
  • 12 oz. porter beer
  • 6 boneless/skinless chicken thighs
  • Slider buns if you want to holla at some sammiches
The hardware:
  • Crock Pot
  • mixing bowl
  • whisk
  • measuring spoons/cups
  • large mixing spoon
  • 2 forks
  • 1 plate
  • CROCK POT LINER. Seriously, y'all. Hop on this. It makes clean up 1,000 times easier. I have never had one break, melt, get maimed, whatever. Whoever invented these deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for bringing harmony into homes.
The cast of characters, if you will.

Right off the bat, you can see I went rouge. I can't help it. I forgot the Worcestershire sauce. I also thought I had chili powder and paprika. I was wrong. So I used a few dashes of cayenne instead. I also added salt and pepper, BECAUSE WHEN DO YOU NOT ADD SALT AND PEPPER?!?!?! I used reduced sodium soy sauce which is part of the reason I felt the true spirit of #yolo when adding salt.

Let's get cookin'. The original directions are:

  1. Whisk together everything but the beer and chicken.
  2. Add sauce, chicken, and beer to the crock.
  3. Cook on low ~4 hours or until chicken pulls apart easily with a fork Dinglehopper fork (or if you are my mom, a faaaahk).
  4. Using 2 forks, shred chicken.
I continued my rogue streak and did things differently. My version:
  1. Whisk together everything but brown sugar and beer. The teeny tiny can I had measured 2 tablespoon more than needed. I felt it was negligible and added the whole thing. More of that #yolo swag.
  2. Pack that brown sugar! Whisk it in. At this point, it was not a sauce. It was a paste. I decided it needed to be thinned out before hitting the crock.
  3. Whisk in the beer. Make sure to scrape the sides.
  4. Line dat crock, yo'!
  5. Pour half of the sauce into the crock. Put the chicken in, tossing it to make sure it is covered in sauce. I had boneless/skinless chicken breast and not thighs. Whoops.
  6. Pour the rest of the sauce in, covering the chicken. Using the mixing spoon, tuck the chicken into its saucy bath.
    Cover. Set it on low. Forget it. Well, kind of. I cooked this from around 10 PM until about 5:45 AM. Mostly because that is when I woke up to pee. Around 1 AM, I turned the breasts (of which there were approx. 4). I then turned it to warm so I could grab some more z's.
  7. At about 8:45 AM, I got up for real to get to shredding. I pissed off the cats by refusing to feed them but the smell of deliciousness seemed to mellow them out as they mewed in vain, pleading for a morsel or two. #sorrynotsorry I grabbed a plate and shredded it a breast at a time, throwing the shreds back into the sauce, mixing well so every one was covered. I kept the crock on warm until we left around 9:30 AM and put it back on a few hours later after the services. Apologies. This is where my pictures end.

I felt it was a little too...tangy. I assume this is where my tomato paste #yolo moment backfired. However, plenty of other people enjoyed it. Honestly, I would up the garlic next time and maybe add a little more sugar to cut the tang. The Husband suggested using a different beer as he felt the porter was too assertive. He suggested maybe a stout. I suggested maybe a different porter or whatever beer is on hand.

Would I do it again? Heck yes. It was tasty, fairly inexpensive as most of it is pantry staples for us. I almost always have brown sugar and there will never be a day when my house is barren of soy sauce. We had some balsamic on hand too. It was independently verified as delicious by family members that don't have to tell me they like what I make.
I declare this as a win.

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