Monday, August 24, 2015

CCACB: Social Media Update!

Hello, Friends!

I just wanted to give you guys a quick social media update.

You can now find Cupcakes and Crossbows on Facebook:

There is also a Twitter account (@cupcakesnxbows) where blog updates are linked. The twitter also serves as a social justice platform where I can easily tweet out articles and tidbits that might not get an entire blog post dedicated to them.

I have been thinking about an Instagram account as well but am waiting to see how #effyastandahdsbingo goes before taking that plunge. My goal, if an Insta account is created, is to post contests, social justice stuff, maybe links of stuff I make, and maybe spotlight people making waves in the world.

I have also created a YouTube account for the blog as well. It is not up and running yet but as soon as it is, I will let you all know!

So, here is what being on social media has done:
-There are 105 of you awesome people who have liked the FB page. This is great! Soon, I can stop spamming my own FB page with updates!
-The Twitter account is followed by 14 people, only 5 of which I know. MARGARET CHO (fan girling all over the place)followed me. Some tweets have been favorite by her, Chubstr, Rowan Blanchard, and Virgie Tovar (*swoon* I am DEAD) to name a few. And only one negative-ish thing has been tweeted at me (and Virgie). Not too shabby for only being live for a week!

In non-social media related updates, I am thinking of focusing on making 2 posts a week. I don't want to define how I am going to break up subject matter yet but think committing to 2 pieces a week is a good way to make sure the blog is consistent. If there is anything you would like to see me tackle, social justice wise or craft/cooking/baking/book wise, holla at me in the comments!

Thank you all for the support and encouragement. It is touching and humbling, and more than I ever expected.

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