Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Things Fat People Shouldn't Do

I have been giving a lot of thought to the idea that there are things people should and shouldn't do based on the feelings of others. This excludes things that are harmful, mean, break the golden rule we all learned in elementary school...things like that. What I am talking about are things that are merely part of existing, like eating in public or being seen grocery shopping. Exercising in public. Dancing. Being on an airplane. Simply being happy. I am a live and let live kinda gal. Your life is your business, enjoy as you please as long as it doesn't bring me harm. #hippiefeels I mean...I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...

While perusing The Militant Baker's blog http://www.themilitantbaker.com/ , I came across her list of 25 things fat people "aren't supposed to do." Naturally, I then googled things fat people shouldn't do and ended up on Reddit. Reddit can be a beautiful place but more often than not, it is the playground of people with nothing better to do then put down literally everyone else on the planet. Between these two, I compiled a list of things fat people aren't supposed to do or aren't supposed to wear.

The List of clothing we "can't/shouldn't" wear:
Crop tops
Skinny jeans
Bathing suits (all of 'em, -kini or otherwise)
Short sleeves
Tanks/no sleeves
High-waisted pants
Anything that draws attention to the belly area or has a VBO (Visible Belly Outline)
Bold Colors
Bold Prints (including geometric, animal, and ya know, everything else)
Short skirts and dresses
Anything tight
Horizontal stripes

Now that I own nothing suitable for a fat person to wear, let's look at what we aren't supposed to do:
Eat. Especially in public. (FOR SHAME!)
Sun bathe
Ride a bike
Sit on plastic things - What if it breaks?!?!?!?! Oh noooooooooooooooooooo.
Ride on an airplane - the horror.
Do yoga
Grocery shop
Cook or bake
Purchase/consume fast food, and Dunks/Starbucks counts. (If it has to do with food, consider it on this list fo' reals.)
Sit at a booth - Too snug a fit, yo!
Swing on a swing set
PDA of any kind
Be happy.

What are we going to do with this list? BINGO. We are going to play bingo while smashing misconceptions and, if we are lucky, the patriarchy.

Tomorrow I will post the card here, on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. Rules to be announced then. And, yes, there will be prizes.

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